Q&A: 2018 Miss Stanton Contestant #11 Aubrey Armes-Johns



JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (SCPDA) — With the Miss Stanton Pageant around the corner, the pressure is on for all the young women who are participating to represent Stanton. To understand their hopes for the pageant and what they have taken away from it, Devil’s Advocate interviewed them and got their side of the story.


DEVIL'S ADVOCATE: Why did you decide to participate in Miss Stanton?

AUBREY ARMES-JOHNS: I decided to participate in Miss Stanton because I wanted to step out of my bubble, because I'm not very outgoing. But I also wanted to be more confident in my speaking, and especially my singing. I also wanted to have an opportunity to represent [Stanton].


DA: How do you respond to the negative stigma, or stereotypes, associated with pageants?

AJ: Many people have been asking me if there's any drama between the girls, and there's definitely not. I'm honest about it, and I say that we all get along very well and we're very supportive each other, there are no grudges [between us].


DA: What is a cause you are passionate about?

AJ: One thing that I'm very passionate about are animals, so my platform speech is about adopting from shelters and not [places like] puppy mills. So that's one thing I'm very passionate about because all of my dogs are from shelters. They're very well taken care of and they're not expensive. So, I just want all of the dogs and cats and all of the other animals to have loving homes.


DA: How will you use your title to make a difference if you win?

AJ: If I won, which I hope I will, I would use that title to make sure everyone is comfortable with who they are, and that no one is entitled to [anything], that they don’t feel [inferior] to anybody else.


DA: What does the title "Miss Stanton" mean to you?

AJ: It means that I was able to showcase myself properly and to do my best on [the] stage. Even if I don't win, it shows that I went up to the plate and tried my hardest.


DA: Who do you consider to be your most prominent role model, and why?

AJ: My most prominent role model is Taylor Swift, because she has amazing music, and I've followed her since she wasn't famous. She has that perseverance where no matter what, she always comes out victorious. Even though the constant years of hate get to her, she doesn't ever show it. Her songs, like "Shake it Off," [tell us to] shake off the hate, and not to let other's words tear us down.


DA: What do you consider to be your best quality?

AJ: I think my best quality is being there for my friends; whenever they need me I am able to give them advice, even if I'm not that experienced. But I try really hard to be there for my friends, even if I don't agree with their decisions.


DA: How is the Miss Stanton pageant important to you personally?

AJ: It’s important to me because in the past I’ve been very nervous to speak in front of people. Two years ago I would have been so nervous to speak in front of you guys, but I feel like I’m more confident and comfortable speaking. It’s important to build up my self-esteem and be able to perform and talk to other people openly.


DA: What are some goals you've set for the future?

AJ: For college, I would like to keep playing soccer and I would like to stay in the southeast region [of the US] because I want to stay close to my family so that they can come stay close to me when I play games. I also want to play as a freshman, that’s one of my goals, too.


DA: How will you juggle your schoolwork with responsibilities that comes with the title of Miss Stanton?

AJ: It will be very difficult, but I have had experience because I play club soccer and school soccer, and I’m in IB, so that just adds to it. I think I am somewhat experienced in the field and I will try my hardest because I want to have good grades and keep a good title.


DA: Was there a particular moment that sparked your interest in participating in the pageant?

AJ: Last year, I always saw pictures of Kaylin Hentschel. Everyone else looked so pretty, being on that stage walking with their escorts and all their pretty dresses and makeup, I really wanted to be a part of that. It just inspired me because my friend Avery Hatfield is on the soccer team, so we always talked about it and were really excited about it. I wanted to be in something where all the girls were so close to each other and have new friends.