The Devil’s Advocate endorses Gokul Madathil who runs unopposed as the Senior class president of Stanton College Preparatory school in the 2020–2021 school year. In an interview on May 16, Madathil addressed his leadership skills as well as his intentions for the senior class. His past experiences as a class president and his work from the Young Leaders Advisory Council have shaped his views for the upcoming school year. Madathil's communication skills have stemmed from these leadership positions. 

As the senior class president, Madathil would be responsible for maintaining a connection between the other senior class officers and the Student Government Association. From past failures and successes, Madathil has learned that communication was the key to an effective method of leadership. His role models were past officers that influenced him to run for his position. The efforts of Jack Lagoy, the 2017–2018 SGA President, included all class officers which impacted Madathil’s views on the importance of communication between classes and student government. 

As a result of his experience in student office, Madathil has learned that some class issues cannot be avoided and that his leadership is not always correct. To mediate these issues and keep the class united, he valued the importance of making sure everyone’s voice was heard. Even though these  challenges strengthened his understanding of the necessity of communication, he believes it is one of his weaknesses and sees it as something he can always improve. 

Although Madathil’s vice president has always been Vedant Garg, Madathil will have to form relationships with new class officers who  may hinder or help how effective his leadership will be. In turn, Madathil must collaborate with his officers to effectively lead the class of 2021. While his past campaigns have been unopposed, Mathadhil will need their support and that of Mr. Brian Heggood and Mrs. Sheila Heggood, the senior class sponsors. We hope at the outset of his tenure, he forges these healthy relationships.    

His platform works toward making the 2020–2021 senior year inclusive and wants to start it off with a senior takeover when they return. The takeover not only keeps the tradition alive but also holds a symbolic meaning for  the seniors. With a collaborative effort from the SGA, Madathil hopes to create a job fair and hold a voter registration that can include all the seniors. To make sure there is a thorough sign up of students, he plans to extend voter registration to an extra day. 

Madathil hopes to make the year memorable through other ideas such as a senior video with his skills in videography. Although he is unopposed and this is an easy election cycle, that does not guarantee his ability to see all of his plans through. To avoid making empty promises, Madathil claims he has kept his goals for the upcoming school year realistic with the coronavirus in mind. 

Madathil possesses the experience necessary for the role of senior class president. He plans on using his position and his knowledge in leadership to effectively work with the other class officers and represent the senior class. His plans for the upcoming  year demonstrate that he is ready to assume this position and lead the class of 2021 once again. For these reasons the Devil’s Advocate endorses Gokul Madathil for senior class president.





The Devil’s Advocate endorses Charlie Wheeler as Vice President for the Senior Class of 2021. Wheeler’s qualification for the position stems from his dedication to the Class of 2021, as well as his past experience working with class officers. 

Wheeler’s past experience running for class president demonstrates his commitment to the Class of 2021. While he lost the last two years in which he ran for class president, Wheeler did not let those losses prevent him from contributing to his class. Wheeler helped create videos for the Class of 2021, and initially came up with the idea for the 2020 prom venue. Still, the fact that Wheeler was not able to achieve office means that this will be his first time holding a class officer position. This means he will have to adapt quickly to the demands of the position, especially with events such as senior takeover, which Wheeler still plans to hold.

Wheeler chose to run for senior class vice president this year because he believes he works well with the currently unopposed senior class presidential candidate, Gokul Madathil. During the senior class vice presidential debate on May 17, 2020, Wheeler stated, “I’ve worked with Gokul in the past. After running against him, we realized that we work really good as a team.” Both Wheeler and Madathil have expressed their desire to work together as class officers, with Madathil going as far as endorsing Wheeler for senior class vice president in Wheeler’s own campaign video.

If elected as senior class vice president, Wheeler plans to continue creating videos for the Class of 2021, as well as the senior video that Wheeler says he and Gokul came up with together. Wheeler also plans to create an extensive digital class album of memorable photos from the Class of 2021. On top of that, Wheeler also wants to help set up the Job Fair that Madathil and other Spring 2020 election candidates are supporting, including SGA candidates.

If he is elected, Wheeler plans to work with his fellow class officers, as well as SGA, to create long-lasting projects for the Class of 2021. Through projects such as the class videos and a digital album, Wheeler aims to memorialize the Class of 2021’s senior year. For these reasons, the Devil’s Advocate endorses Charlie Wheeler as Vice President for the Senior Class of 2021.